Last month at our Passionate People With Purpose event I was fortunate enough to share the stories of two very inspiring, empowering and passionate ladies in my life.
I have gained so much from both Cassandra Kavanagh, Little Big Boss of Rethink and Vanessa Stoykov, CEO of evolution media group that I wanted to share some of their strengths, stories and wisdom they have provided me with over the years’ with others.
In just 90 minutes both Vanessa and Cassandra provided so many amazing learnings, sharing’s and just fun interesting moments. Everyone has a story and sometimes we forget to ask people what theirs is or share our own. Which is a shame because it can be so powerful.
The event was formatted as two one-on-one interviews to provide for a more relaxed setting where Cassandra and Vanessa could go deeper in their communication and give the audience an experience of them freely sharing, not just talking to the audience.
When I asked Cassandra about her passion and purpose and how she found hers, she opened up and shared how only a few years ago she felt that to be able to work doing something she was personally passionate about, that she would have to leave the business that she helped build. It was at this time she enrolled in a course by Tara Mohr called Playing Big.
This was a pivotal moment for Cassandra when she learnt that she didn’t actually need to leave the business, and that all she needed to do was to change her mindset around what she was doing in the business.
From there Cassandra introduced some of the things she is personally passionate about into Rethink: a holistic business community that offers multiple life changing services to clients, daily meditation for the Rethink team, a healthy caf√© with affordable lunches for the Rethink team, personal development life coaching for the team and she encourages the team, clients and people in her life to find their triggers (the things they’re passionate about).
As co-creator of the The Bottom Line, which produced the most substantive interview with Commander Neil Armstrong before he died, Vanessa had some intriguing stories to tell in her interview. Vanessa described her interpretation of Neil as a guy who did not want the fame of being the first man on the moon, he was just doing his job. However, as Vanessa reflected on her experience with Neil Armstrong you could see and hear her recognise the historic significance of what she had been a part of. When she spoke about the moment when they showed Neil Armstrong footage of President Kennedy talking about the moon landing and watched him almost tear up as he watched the footage, Vanessa described this event as a moment in human history.
Being a story teller herself Vanessa was able to provide guests with a very unique opportunity and take them on a journey introducing the wealth of inspiring, successful and world changing people that she has met, from Lindy Chamberlain, Gabi Hollows, Lord Jeffrey Archer to Curtis Stone.
It’s important for businesspeople to take the time to reflect and listen to others, because you never know what you’ll learn from the experience. For me, the opportunity to hear from two successful businesswoman was a great way to see the world through another two sets of experienced eyes, I don’t believe you can put a value on that. We all have our own journey and story, but sometimes it’s great to have a fresh perspective or learn from others’ experiences and wisdom. The more exposure you have to new and other people’s ideas, knowledge, energy, wisdom, and learnings, the larger the collective pool of knowledge and information you are building for yourself and to be able to share with others. That’s invaluable to me!