Using technology and innovative thinking to connect and engage with consumers will be the focus of a panel discussion at this year’s DiG Festival, but we are asking if Hunter businesses will listen.
The Newcastle Urban Renewal Strategy (NURS) has provided Newcastle with the perfect opportunity to evolve, to strengthen its position as the Hunter region’s capital, and to become a vibrant economic, residential and tourist hub.
The founders of the DiG Festival believe that in order to realise this vision, Hunter and Newcastle businesses and retailers need to adapt to compete with the rest of the world’s technological advances.
A recent survey conducted by the Hunter Research Foundation found that only 57 per cent of companies questioned have a dedicated website, while just 37 per cent of companies use social media to market their business.
In today’s connected world customer service no longer only occurs in-store and face-to-face, retailers must have a strong online presence to remain competitive and relevant. Despite over 70 per cent of the companies surveyed using the internet to conduct business related research and to purchase goods and services, companies are still failing to use this same technology to enhance their own business.
Newcastle businesses are crying out for help in this digital age but ignoring the opportunities provided for them.
DiG is a great chance for retailers and business owners to educate themselves and take advantage of the substantial gap that exists for digital advancement in the Hunter Region.
The DiG Festival will feature a panel discussion on the Future of Retail as well as a series of Keynote Presentations, Panels and Workshops by international, national and local industry leaders.
The theme for the 2014 Festival is “Meet the Future” and there will be a strong emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and ethical business.