Age is no factor when it comes to learning new skills for staff at Anglican Care.
Many staff currently in leadership roles entered the workforce in an era when obtaining formal qualifications was not a high priority. Anglican Care is now providing mature age staff the opportunity to enhance their skills and technical aspects of their roles whilst gaining formal qualifications. This is all part of a new Corporate Champions program, funded by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
“The Corporate Champions program enables our current supervising staff to gain formal qualifications which will not only benefit the organisation, but positively impact our leaders and staff on a professional level,” HR Manager of Anglican Care Catherine Mordaunt said.
“By providing formal training to our staff, we are empowering them to be leaders. We want our staff to have the confidence to initiate change and to further develop their teams.”
The Corporate Champion program addresses three modules each with seven key areas, which educate staff on differing aspects from behavioural preferences through to building and managing a team.