The Marketing GP has been awarded a position on HubSpot’s exclusive Partner Advisory Council for the second year in a row.
This recognition demonstrates The Marketing GP’s dedication to client outcomes and their performance as a HubSpot Platinum Solutions Partner.
Chief Marketer and Managing Director, Holly Martin said she is thrilled to continue to put the Hunter on the radar alongside other HubSpot leaders internationally.
“This position on the Council really demonstrates yet again that being a regional business is not a disadvantage. As a proud local business, The Marketing GP continues to give Newcastle a voice amongst those capital cities and put the Hunter region on the map,” Holly said.
The HubSpot 2023 Partner Advisory Council cohort was determined with careful consideration after a competitive application process, with The Marketing GP championing 210 Solutions Partners for their position on the council.
“Our advisory role will allow The Marketing GP to provide further feedback on strategic projects, which crucially shapes the future of the HubSpot Partner Program.”
The Marketing GP have maintained their hard-fought Platinum Partner status through their commitment to driving a high rate of client engagement, and through delivery of a wide portfolio of successful client projects.
As the representative from The Marketing GP joining the Council this year, Inbound Marketing & Sales Enablement Manager, Claire Raymond said maintaining this position is truly a credit to the entire team.
“Being awarded a position on the Partner Advisory Council for another year is a huge achievement, and demonstrates the valuable role we played last year,” Claire said.
“The most exciting element of continuing our Partner Advisory role involves the opportunity to influence future updates to the software. This allows to provide input specific to our clients’ feedback and individual business goals – ultimately, keeping their needs at the forefront of the HubSpot Solutions Team’s minds.”
Partner Advisory Council members are recognised for their industry experiences and in-depth understanding of HubSpot software.
The Council meets quarterly, across calendar years, meaning the first meeting occurs in June each year. This first session for 2023 focused on how Partners and HubSpot can work in harmony towards achieving client objectives.
“It was great to be able to discuss the state of the market with other partners, as well as provide really open an honest feedback on what has and hasn’t worked for clients in the past. It was valuable to hear a range of perspectives from other Partner agencies, and to work together with HubSpot representatives to come up with changes to key processes which will ensure better client experience. It was also the perfect opportunity to check alignment on our solutions-driven values and common goal of driving client success!” Claire concluded.
HubSpot is a sophisticated CRM software which makes it easy for businesses to grow and work together, breaking down the barriers between marketing, sales, and customer service teams, and providing one central source of truth for communications and reporting.
IMAGE | Inbound Marketing Team at The Marketing GP.