With just over half of its $120 000 target received, Samaritans is making a desperate plea to Newcastle and the Hunter to help them reach the Christmas Appeal goal.
Lynne Graham, Samaritans Director of Development said that with so much Christmas spirit and joy at this time of year it’s easy to forget those who are struggling.
“The truth is, the 200 families we see each week at our Emergency Relief centres find it even more difficult at this time year; as everyone celebrates, they can often miss out,” Lynne said.
She continued, saying that many charities locally are feeling a fall in donations given the recent tragedies in the Philippines and the bushfires in the region.
“The second half of this year has been devastating with so much damage done by natural disasters,” she said.
“We really hope those that can spare a donation to support locals this Christmas can dig deep.”
Samaritans works locally to give people a hand up out of poverty, with their appeal funding these services.
“When people come to us for emergency assistance we’re able to help them connect with other programs to support the aspects of their life that they are struggling with, like budgeting or family breakdown.
“Our Appeal helps us keep these services running throughout the year but also assist with the further demand we see at Christmas and into the New Year,” she said.
Samaritans Emergency Relief services are often the first port of call for struggling families and those who are homeless, including young people.
“We’re grateful to all those who can support Samaritans with cash donations to reach our target this Christmas. Please give generously and support those less fortunate this season.”
Donations can be made to Samaritans on 1300 656 336 or visiting their website.