Boosting the economic capability and performance of the Hunter is a primary focus for Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter as it commences its next three year phase led by new Chairman, Michael Slater and Deputy Chair John Turner.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, The Hon. Warren Truss MP and Deputy Premier and Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, The Hon. Troy Grant MP recently confirmed the new appointments.
“The three-year appointments will provide leadership to RDA committees to drive economic growth and make the most of the potential capability of the region,” Mr Truss said.
“The RDA committees will advise on priority activities that will unlock regional economic development and improve the productivity of their region. They will provide advice to the Government on critical issues affecting each region and are an important mechanism to increase access to Australian Government programmes in their communities.”
“With the new appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs, RDA committees will be able to provide vital input to State and Federal Governments and inform regional policy processes,” Mr Grant said.
With a strong background in regional economic development, finance and infrastructure industries, Michael Slater brings 26 years of experience serving as a director of nib Health Insurance Ltd., the Hunter Economic Development Corporation, the Hunter Regional Development Board and various NSW Infrastructure industry and NSW Treasury working groups.
“I am very pleased to Chair the Hunter’s key economic development organisation in this important phase of consolidation and growth for the region’s economy,” Michael said.
“Forging a path for the Hunter that maximises our comparative advantages and strengthens our capabilities as a region is of vital importance for our future.”
“Together with John and the other RDA Hunter Directors and staff, I look forward to working with the Australian and NSW governments to build the Hunter’s profile as a smart location in which to invest, live and work.”
John Turner is a lawyer and has held several Shadow Ministry positions.
“Working with all three tiers of government, regional business and the wider community to boost the economic capability and performance of the Hunter is an exciting opportunity and one that I am very much looking forward to,” John said.
RDA Hunter facilitates policies, programmes and projects designed to strengthen human capital, productivity, infrastructure, access to markets, regional comparative advantage and business competitiveness, leading to increased economic activity and the creation of new jobs.
Image | RDA Hunter Chairman, Michael Slater