Port Waratah Coal Services will be lighting the shiploaders at the Carrington wharf facilities purple every night during May to help raise awareness of domestic and family violence.
This year’s annual illumination project falls in May to support the national month of domestic and family violence prevention.
For the project, Port Waratah has joined forces with Got Your Back Sista, a local community organisation that specialises in supporting women and their children to start a new life after escaping the trauma of domestic violence.
Port Waratah Coal Services CEO, Hennie du Plooy said that with the unfortunate statistics of this issue in the community, it’s important for local organisations to do their part and show support.
“Unfortunately, domestic and family violence remains too prevalent in our community. This campaign is an opportunity for everyone, including organisations like ours, to show their support for real change,” Hennie said.
“We’re inviting our community to participate in the project by taking a photo dressed or decorated in purple or with a Say NO to Domestic Violence sign and send it to us to be part of a social media awareness campaign.”
“Our hope is the initiative encourages conversations about domestic violence in our community and strengthens awareness of support services available for those who need it.”
CEO of Got Your Back Sista, Melissa Histon, said that sadly, most of us work with, live near, or are related to someone who has experienced violence in their home or in their lives.
“The latest statistics tell the horrific story: one in five Australian women and one in 20 men have been subjected, since the age of 15, to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or previous partner,” Melissa said.
“This community initiative with Port Waratah Coal Services is a wonderful, visible way to remind the community that domestic violence is not acceptable, and it is never okay. We must do everything in our power to stop people being violent to each other.”
A candle-light vigil will be held in Newcastle on Wednesday 5 May at 5.30pm in Civic Park to remember those who have lost their lives due to or as a result of domestic violence.
As their partner in this campaign, Port Waratah also provided a donation to Got Your Back Sista, to help support their valuable work in raising awareness of domestic and family violence through media campaigns, workplace presentations, public events and community partnerships.
If you or someone you know if suffering from domestic violence, reach out for support and more information at gotyourbacksista.com or whiteribbon.org.au.
IMAGE | Port Waratah light up the scene in purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Photography Credit: Rick Garside.