Lake Macquarie City Council’s ongoing partnership with the NSW Government’s Easy to do Business Program is now making it easier for housing and construction businesses to operate in our city.
Council’s CEO, Morven Cameron said building on the successful launch of the Easy to do Business Program in Lake Macquarie for cafes, restaurants and small bars, Council is now focusing on improving the experience for the housing and construction industry.
Council, together with Service NSW and the Program Sponsor Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, will be developing a pilot program in Lake Macquarie aimed at transforming and streamlining processes required for developers, builders and tradespeople to start, stay, grow and exit a business.
CEO for Service NSW, Damon Rees said the program will help to remove barriers and provide support to local business owners.
“Easy to do Business is removing barriers and supporting people when starting and growing their business. It’s a great example of government working for small business, helping to create jobs and boost our state economy from the ground up,” Damon said.
Council’s timely approval of 2,681 development applications in 2016-2017, which includes new applications worth $607 million, speaks to the pace and scale of our challenge to meet the needs of current and future residents in our growing city.
Morven said the Council welcomes initiatives that help local businesses to establish, thrive and grow.
“Initiatives that make it easier to start or grow a business are very welcome in our city. The Easy to do Business Program is piloting ways to enhance and improve our local development and construction industries, creating jobs and growing the Lake Mac economy,” Morven said.
Initial work on the proof of concept commenced, with Council, Service NSW, Industry Associations and local construction companies earlier this week.
IMAGE | Lake Macquarie City Council is supporting local housing and construction businesses through a local program.