Every year, since 2007, the Hunter Innovation Festival has relied on volunteers who passionately believe in innovation and the benefits it can bring to the region. This year has been no different.
Support for the 2016 Hunter Innovation Festival has come from the University of Newcastle, Hunter TAFE, Davis Collison Cave, Hunter Research Foundation, Hunter Founders Forum, Eighteen04, Laughing Mind, Ideation At Work, Lunatiks, The Business Centre and the Newcastle Herald. You will find these organisations are the backbone of many innovation events in the region.
Putting on the festival requires planning, many discussions and selfless collaboration. And that’s just to plan the program. The operational activities of the actual week take much more time and effort.
As the 21st century ticks over, there is an increasing emphasis back on people, our humanity and community. In reality we have been innovating since time immemorial. What has changed is the speed of change and the resources we use to instigate that change. As technology and our lives become more intertwined, it is important to remember that our best work occurs when technology and humanity meet.
The Hunter Innovation Festival strives to keep people at the core. Festival organisers are proponents of Smart Ideas. Simple. Everything must start from an idea. Useful ideas that have a positive impact on people’s lives. The Smart Ideas breakfast. the launch event of the festival, will showcase three ideas from local innovators. And the entrants this year are amazing. To help get those and other ideas get off the ground, we have invited keynote speaker Matthew Pinter, Chair of the Crowd Sourcing Institute of Australia.
From the Hunter HackFest, to the Design to Production workshop, Women in Innovation panel, the Hunter Research Foundation breakfast and the Eighteen04 Innovators lunch, Smart Ideas will be the thread that ties the festival together.
We invite you to join the Hunter Innovation Festival as thought leaders, transformers, game changers, ideators, disruptors, challengers or observers. The Hunter Innovation Festival will serve as a platform to exchange ideas about trends occurring on a global level and what is happening in our own arena. By keeping abreast with new ideas and technologies, and marrying those with our humanity, collectively we will be unstoppable in creating a vibrant city where opportunities are plentiful.
The Hunter Innovation Festival will run from 10-17 June.