The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has welcomed the rollout of round two of the federal government’s Apprentice to Business Owner (AtoB) program.
The AtoB program offers training and support to those that have completed an apprenticeship and are looking to start their own business or have started a business in the past 24 months. This program provides free business mentoring support in business-specific skills for up to one year as well as a nationally recognised qualification in small business management, a package worth $5000.
“Small business is a central part of the residential building industry and this free program will be essential in helping to train the next generation of builders and trade contractors,” said HIA Deputy Executive Director ‚Äì Hunter, Craig Jennion.
“Whilst tradesman are confident working with their hands it can be very challenging to successfully run your own small business, so the AtoB program has been designed to provide the knowledge that is required.”
“The Australian housing industry consistently produces a stream of skilled and talented tradespeople and this opportunity to acquire the further knowledge to run a business such as marketing and business planning has been well received by those that were recently involved in round one.”
“At no cost for the participants, the AtoB program will ensure that those participate get the support they need and assist them on their path to business success.”
The HIA is an official broker of services under the AtoB program and Australia’s peak residential building industry association, representing over 42,000 members nationally, including over 2,000 members in the Hunter.
HIA exists to service the businesses it represents, lobby for the best possible business environment for the building industry and to encourage a responsible and quality driven, affordable residential building and development industry.
The training element of the AtoB program is set to commence in the coming weeks and places are still available for those that meet the eligibility requirements.
For further information regarding the AtoB program and how you can become involved phone HIA on 1300 654 624, email them or visit their website.