In today’s information age business data is a valuable asset. Attacks like the Petya ransomware virus that brought businesses to a halt in over 100 countries and Sony PlayStation’s network hack, highlight why businesses need to be protected against the ever-present threat of cyber-attacks and data loss. A successful attack on your business could result in down time, financial losses and a damaged reputation.
Here are four ways to protect your business:
Back up
Effective backing up can help businesses recover lost data in the event of an attach. Off-site backups can reduce the risk of data loss in case of a fire or flood. The use of un-networked backups can also protect data if your network is affected by a virus.
Manage access
In today’s digital world, we rely heavily on accessing our data 24/7 and on the go. Businesses need to make sure their server, cloud storage, computers and phones are secure and consider how they manage access to data and passwords. It’s possible in this day and age to be able to remotely wipe business data from a lost or stolen laptop or phone.
Secure customer data
In addition to the potential damage to a business’s reputation, a data breach also has legal implications. From a customer perspective, Australians perceive greater risks in interacting with businesses online. According to the Australian Community Attitudes to Privacy Survey 2017, 79% of us are uncomfortable with businesses sharing personal information with other organisations, and 93% are concerned about organisations sending personal information overseas.
Stay up-to-date and be prepared
Using an outdated virus scanner or operating system can leave data open to attach. Keeping software and hardware up-to-date is a key to keeping data secure. And like all risks, businesses should have a plan in place to mitigate risk in case things go wrong