Cessnock City Council has announced the latest round of Visitor Economy Grants to boost local business through mid-week tourism.
Organisations or individuals wanting to host events, run projects and hold conferences in the Hunter Valley region are invited to apply for the grants, which provide funding to support mid-week visitation.
The program aims to attract organisations to the Hunter Valley and builds on Council’s aim to facilitate the growth of the Hunter Valley visitor economy.
Cessnock City Mayor, Jay Suvaal said attracting mid-week visitation would help create more jobs and boost the local economy.
“Figures show that with just 10 per-cent more mid-week visitors, we could create up to $15 million of extra cashflow in the Cessnock Local Government Area,” Jay said.
Powerful Perceptions is a local business which has previously received a Visitor Economy Grant from Council.
The company used the grant to launch the Plan Your Event Hunter website, an online listing site showcasing everything an individual or organisation could want to plan the perfect event in the Hunter.
Plan Your Event Hunter has a particular focus on increasing the revenue of local businesses by boosting midweek visitation to the Hunter region.
The website will allow local businesses to collaborate with one another, enhancing their offerings. It will also give locals with ‘side hustles’ an opportunity to increase their profitability and grow their business.
Powerful Perceptions Director, Rachel Fraser said she was passionate about improving small business growth and the socio-economic development of our “beautiful” region.
“I’m convinced that Plan Your Event Hunter will create amazing opportunities for a wide variety of local businesses,” Rachel concluded.
IMAGE | (left to right): Matt Bentley, Director – Powerful Perceptions; Rachel Fraser, Director – Powerful Perceptions; Alena Pople, Economic Development Officer – Cessnock City Council; Hannah Bird, Graphic Designer – Powerful Perceptions, Gabby Butcher, Photographer – Writing with Light.