A new Hunter produced podcast featuring local and successful young entrepreneurs is inspiring other young people in the region to consider entrepreneurship.
The Youngpreneur podcast is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Hunter Entrepreneurship Facilitator, Cheryl Royle, and Newcastle-based podcast creator, Welcome to Day One.
The podcast was launched in April 2020, coinciding with Youth Week.
Cheryl said that each episode features one of the entrepreneurs sharing their inspiring story and tips for others.
Four of the entrepreneurs are from the Hunter; Erin Wilson from Urban Base Fitness, Jack Antcliff from Oasis Media, Tyler Regan from Orchard School Systems and Josh Freinberger from GVP esports.
Lara Davis from Central Coast’s Lovely Little Lights and Taj Pabari from Fiftysix Creations are also featured.
Cheryl said that too often young people, including those who struggle to fit into conventional paid work, are told that they are too young to start their own business.
“The Youngpreneur Podcast features really inspiring young people who have started their own business and are making incredible progress,” Cheryl said.
“Becoming an entrepreneur while you’re young is an incredible opportunity that also gives you skills that make you highly employable.
“It is a time in life when you can give stuff a go and have flexibility and room to fail fast and learn.”
She said that the podcast was perfect for those who wanted a chance to take their ideas and turn them into future career options.
“This podcast is for young people who have an idea for a business or just want to explore their options.”
“With the COVID-19 pandemic putting many young people out of work the podcast is very timely.”
Welcome to Day One Founder and Producer, Adam Spencer, said he hopes the podcast will help young people living in other regional areas as well.
“Like the other podcasts we produce, Youngpreneur is about discovering and sharing the stories of regional entrepreneurs to inspire others to act and remind all of the regional founders out there that they are not alone,” Adam said.
“Even if it just knowing there are others out there facing similar challenges to you.”
The podcast is available for free from podcast channels including Apple Podcast, Podfollow, Whooshkaa and Spotify.
People may also access it via the Hunter Futurepreneurs program website.
IMAGE | Jack Antcliff, founder of Oasis Media and one of the speakers on the Youngpreneur podcast.