Lake Macquarie’s economic development company, Dantia, has appointed Peter Francis as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 3 April 2017.
Peter joins Dantia after five years as Executive Manager Trade and Business Development at the Port of Newcastle.
He was part of the management team that delivered the port sale in 2014 and has secured major contracts and infrastructure for the port, including the establishment of a bulk liquids import industry, renewal of defence and commercial shipbuilding, funding for the new cruise terminal and infrastructure development on the former BHP site.
Mr Francis is also a former General Manager of Charlestown Square, where he oversaw the $470m redevelopment of the shopping centre completed in 2010.
Dantia Chairman, Trent Bagnall, said Mr Francis was a perfect fit for the company.
“Peter has a wealth of experience across a range of industries with a strong track record in identifying and securing economic opportunities, facilitating infrastructure and property development and managing community, government and investor relationships,” Trent said.
“As someone who was the driving force behind Lake Macquarie’s biggest retail enterprise, he has comprehensive knowledge of the city and valuable insight into its economic and business capability.”
Peter said he was honoured and excited to be leading Lake Macquarie into a new era of economic growth and diversification.
“Dantia is a unique organisation which in a short time has had a significant impact in attracting business, investment and employment opportunities to Lake Macquarie,” Peter said.
“I look forward to building on that success as we strive to create prosperity in abundance by encouraging growth and innovation among existing businesses and targeting emerging industries.”
Mayor of Lake Macquarie City, Cr Kay Fraser, welcomed the appointment of Peter.
“Peter is a proven performer and strong leader who will be a forceful and effective advocate for Lake Macquarie,” Kay said.
“This is an exciting time for Lake Macquarie and I welcome the opportunity to work with Peter and Dantia to build a prosperous future for our City.”
IMAGE | Peter Francis had been appointed CEO at Dantia.