Last year the Australian Centre for Investigation, Incident and Management Solutions (ACIM) launched, a nationally accredited Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The first of its kind, ACIM provides tailored training specifically designed for those working in the government and quasi government sectors.
ACIM Solutions offers a suite of management and learning and development services including policy and process reviews, grievance and disciplinary advice, Code of Conduct reviews, investigation services and strategic planning.
The training is developed and presented by industry professionals who draw not only on best practice from around the world, but their own years of actual experiences working in challenging operating environments. The courses provided include either Nationally Accredited training or short courses.
Founded by Hunter-based businesswoman Philippa Woolf, ACIM has seen rapid success and is now working with clients across Australia.
“As we worked with agencies on our nationally accredited programs we could see that the changes that the agencies were experiencing also required highly developed people management and non technical skill sets,” Philippa said. “The one or two day formats are designed to present essential skills and knowledge in an easily digestible format.”
“We developed the short course program last year and the response has been overwhelming. The feedback has been really positive on the practical and interactive nature of the workshops. Managers and team members really like that they can develop skills they can directly apply in the workplace,” Philippa continued.
“We have had such a positive response that we have extended the range of offerings for 2016 and expanded to deliver in more regional locations.”