RDA Hunter hosted The Hon John Barilaro MP, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Skills and Minister for Small Business earlier this week, to enable him to see firsthand a number of RDA Hunter economic development initiatives and to launch RDA Hunter’s new initiative, Study Hunter.
Study Hunter showcases the Hunter’s advantages as a location in which to live, work and study to international students and their families. It incorporates a broad range of activities focused on raising the Hunter’s profile internationally.
Study Hunter is regional development initiative which showcases the region’s lifestyle advantages, vibrant youth culture; established social and business networks and welcoming community; connectivity with Australian destinations; quality education institutions; career opportunities; and economic capacity as well as practical information about living in the region.
“Since the end of March 2011 the NSW Government has invested more than $18 million to support projects in the Hunter through the Regional Industries Investment Fund,” the Minister said.
“This has helped to attract more than $356 million for the region and to generate and support more than 1765 jobs.”
The Minister for Trade, Tourism and Major Events, The Hon Stuart Ayres MP, welcomed Study Hunter as a great example of government and industry working together to enhance international education in NSW through StudyNSW’s co-funded Partner Projects program.
“The initiative will improve international students’ experience in the Hunter and stimulate economic growth in NSW by attracting more overseas students to the region.”
Study Hunter also incorporates an international student ambassador program featuring students from Hunter TAFE and the University of Newcastle. One of the ambassadors’ primary roles is to welcome new students to the region in a mentoring capacity. They will also help promote the initiative and the Hunter through promotional activities.
“Study Hunter is an exciting project for RDA Hunter to lead in 2015. We are very pleased that the NSW government has partnered with us to promote the Hunter’s advantages internationally,” Todd Williams, RDA Hunter CEO, said.
“Showcasing the region to a young and motivated international audience will help boost international student enrolments in the short-term but grow and diversify our workforce and economy for the future.”