Port Stephens Women in Business are holding their annual fundraising lunch at Wests Nelson Bay Diggers, featuring Carly and Tresne from My Kitchen Rules (MKR).
Kylie Smiley, President, Port Stephens Women in Business, said that Carly and Tresne, who won the hearts of Australians on the reality TV show, MKR in 2014, will bring their style of fun and happy motivational clear thinking to entertain guests at this year’s event.
“With their resilient natures, positive attitudes and down-to-earth personalities, they say they are “trying to change the world, one smile at a time”,” Kylie said. “Their topic, ‘The Happiness Mission’ deals with developing skills which promote health and wellbeing and lead to success in life.”
The event will be raising funds for The Yacaaba Centre, who are committed to helping the less fortunate people in society to access safe and affordable housing and life counselling.
“We’ve already received great support from local businesses that have generously given prizes for our fundraising raffle,” Kylie continued.
“PSWIB are also extremely grateful to Wests Nelson Bay Diggers for waiving the room hire cost to help us maximise our profit on this event.”
“We are committed to making this fundraiser a huge success and ask again if there is any person or business out there who could donate something worthwhile to add to our raffle list. The more prizes we can offer the more enticing our raffle and event will be to attendees.”
- When | Friday, 31 July 2015
- Time | 12 noon
- Where | Wests Nelson Bay Diggers, 88 Shoal Bay Road, Nelson Bay
- Cost | $55 (includes a two-course meal)
- RSVP | Wests Nelson Bay Diggers on 02 4981 1344