Jess Shuwalow is the Lead Founder & Driver of Happiness at The Grateful Boutique & Bouquet. The Grateful is founded on the premise that one of the quickest ways to feel good is to give back; and one of the most sustainable formulas for long-term happiness is gratitude. Jess was driven to create The Grateful out of her own personal experiences and battles with mental health.
After discovering she was going to become a mum, she decided to draw a line in the sand and break her family’s cycle of depression, while creating something magical to share with the community. This has supported her on the journey to long-lasting happiness and helping raise positive vibes in her local community as well.
This episode of the podcast is proudly supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities Northern NSW. Click here to find out how your workplace could get involved.
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Season 2 of the Hunter Headline podcast is proudly sponsored by The Mutual Bank.