Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter recently hosted Lucy Turnbull AO, Chair of the Committee for Sydney, who shared her thoughts on the Hunter and opportunities for its future.
She delivered a keynote address entitled “Is the Hunter Important? A New Perspective from Sydney” at RDA Hunter’s event for regional leaders.
“RDA Hunter’s agenda is strategic and future focused. It aims to advance innovation, attract investment and improve infrastructure to ensure the region’s ongoing competitiveness,” said Todd Williams, CEO RDA Hunter.
“As NSW’s second city, it is important that the Hunter articulates its comparative advantages as a global business destination and leverages off Sydney.”
According to Lucy, the Hunter is one of Australia’s most important regions and a true microcosm of Australia.
“Newcastle, is dynamic already but also has great future, promise and potential. Being able to blend charming C19 architecture with a beautiful coastal location and the promise of further improvement using C21 urbanist ideals is a rare combination,” Lucy said.
“This would be more than enough for any regional city. But Newcastle and the Hunter also have the extra advantages of a great university with a focus on research excellence and a great hospital, the John Hunter.”
“These great institutions build a strong intellectual base for future growth and success in an era where the knowledge economy is the key to any region and city’s future prosperity.”