A project that includes a series of art installations depicting the Hamilton community and its business precinct has resumed, as of 23 June.
The Hamilton Business Association project will repair existing art as well as creating new art installations on telecommunications and electricity pillars and boxes, which will be undertaken by local artist Rebecca Murray.
Hamilton Business Association Chair, Janice Musumeci, said that the project was the first of a number of projects that would be rolled-out out in coming weeks.
“As part of Hamilton Business Association establishing late last year, we asked local business people to provide feedback about how they wanted the Association to spend funds. Lots of people wanted to see projects that would help beautify and attract people the precinct,” Janice said.
“Our plans for 2020 were all but finalised when COVID-19 struck and like many, we used the months of isolation to realign our plans to ensure that we could also help drive economic recovery. The completion of the art project however remained a priority.”
The initial project was started by the Hamilton Chamber and at the time, Rebecca Murray created a number of art installations. Some of these original art pieces now need repair, while she will paint a further 10.
Rebecca Murray is the owner of Flying Spanner Gallery and is well known as the artist who created similar art installations across the Newcastle CBD.
She is currently researching the position of the 17 locations to develop visual narratives relevant to the local community. The project is an investment of $10,000 into the precinct and is expected to take several months to complete.
“The Association is keen to extend the footprint and scope of the project. Hamilton has a heritage walk developed by well-known local historian Ruth Cotton and we hope to also now integrate this with cultural walks that might include these art pieces into city-wide apps and tourism promotions,” Janice said.
“We are also working with other business improvement associations (BIA’s) to consider rolling the projects into other business precincts in Newcastle.”
In the next few weeks, Hamilton Business Association will announce details about other projects that will support people to establish businesses in the precinct, create a citywide live performance initiative, integrate lighting for safety and beautification among projects.
Throughout the pandemic shutdowns, the volunteer board has worked closely with their colleagues in the BIAs of Mayfield, Newcastle City and Wallsend to help inform COVID-19 recovery processes with the City of Newcastle and provide feedback on master plans for James Street Plaza and Gregson Park.
IMAGE | Hamilton Business Association Chair, Janice Musumeci and Artist at Flying Spanners Gallery, Rebecca Murray (left-right).