Sharing resources and providing specialist health services into Aboriginal communities underpins an innovative initiative between Hunter Medicare Local, Hunter New England Local Area Health District and Awabakal Newcastle Aboriginal Cooperative.
Last Friday the three organisations signed a statement of commitment that will actively work towards boosting healthcare outcomes in the region’s Aboriginal community.
The partnership is the result of Hunter Medicare Local and Awabakal working collaboratively with Hunter New England Local Area Health District to identify service gaps and avoid duplication of service.
Hunter Medicare Local Acting CEO, Bryan McLoughlin, said that the partnership would create a benchmark model for the wider delivery of health care for Aboriginal communities.
The initiative is underpinned by shared health service delivery and planning while addressing the social determinants that impact on achieving health equality for Aboriginal people.
Work began in July this year when the Aboriginal community in Karuah was provided with additional medical services.
Awabakal CEO, Don MacAskill, said that the Karuah model provided an effective platform for a much broader approach to Aboriginal health in this region.
“Aboriginal health is a whole of community issue. By joining forces, reducing duplication and developing the right systems and processes this initiative will improve individual, family and community experience of health care. Awabakal is pleased to be part of a team that will build an appropriate health care model that we expect can be used across the nation,” Don said.
Image | Awabakal Chief Executive Officer, Don MacAskill, Hunter New England Local Area Health District Director, Jane Gray, and Hunter Medicare Local Acting CEO, Bryan Mcloughlin