Creative projects designed to increase visitation and boost economic activity in Hamilton, New Lambton and Wallsend business precincts will share in $150,000 as part of the City of Newcastle’s annual Special Business Rate (SBR) program.
Initiatives ranging from the recent Newcastle Fringe Festival, which saw an assortment of free artistic and cultural performances throughout Hamilton, through to the installation of shopfront smart gardens and sky-high murals, have recently been funded through the SBR program.
Newcastle Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes said the next round of SBR funding will help unlock a new range of creative projects that drive visitation and economic activity into the city’s suburban business precincts.
“The Special Business Rates program has seen many amazing projects come to life, including the Big Picture Festival and quarterly food, art and wine trails throughout the city, so we’re looking forward to seeing what comes through next for our suburban precincts,” Nuatali said.
Newcastle Councillor, Carol Duncan said local businesses directly benefit from SBR-funded projects which enhance the appeal of each suburban business precinct.
“Funding available through the Special Business Rates program directly benefits local businesses through projects that increase visitation and beautify the precinct for residents and visitors alike, making them even more attractive places to eat, drink and shop,” Carol said.
“Business owners play a key role in providing input into the projects that best activate their own precincts which is vital to creating thriving business communities and increasing visitation to suburban areas like New Lambton, Wallsend and Hamilton.”
Proposals for this round will be considered based on their creativity, impact, and level of innovation, with up to $50,000 available in each suburban precinct.
Local business owner and Hamilton Business Improvement Association (BIA) Chair, Reece Hignall welcomed the next round of SBR projects.
“The advocacy of our BIAs in engaging with business owners to activate their precincts is vital in creating thriving business communities to help drive increased visitation into suburban shopping precincts” Reece said.
“We’re witnessing the benefits of the BIA model across Newcastle, including Hamilton, where we’ve welcomed more than 50 new businesses since COVID began.”
Applications for the New Lambton, Wallsend, and Hamilton funding round close at 4:00 pm on 19 May 2023.