Hunter New England Central Coast PHN is pleased to announce the opening of the Tuggerah Medicare Mental Health Centre (MMHC).
The service provides people with free, walk-in mental health support and advice from trained mental health professionals and was officially opened on Monday 20 January 2025 by Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, and Federal Member for Dobel, the Hon. Emma McBride MP.
The Tuggerah MMHC, formerly Central Coast Head to Health, is operated by Beam Health though funding provided by the Australian Government as part of a broader initiative to improve access to free, immediate mental health care across Australia. The Centre is located on Pioneer Ave, Tuggerah.
Richard Nankervis, Chief Executive Officer of the HNECC PHN, said the aim of Medicare Mental Health Centres is to simplify access to mental health care.
“Medicare Mental Health Centres are designed to enhance local service integration and offer a seamless care pathway for people to receive the right level of care at the right time to meet their mental health needs,” he said.
“It is based on an episodic model of care, delivering evidence-based care and family support to cover the short-to-medium term, based on clinical judgement and individual need.
“So, whether you are looking for mental health support for yourself, or someone you care about, or just trying to improve your wellbeing, Medicare Mental Health Centres are a great place to start.”
MMHCs provide a safe and welcoming place for anyone to access free, quality mental health care over extended hours. They are staffed by a team of highly qualified mental health professionals and people with lived experience of mental health. They will listen and work with you to provide you with the care you need.
Support through the centres is free. You do not need a Medicare card, appointment or a GP referral.
The National Service Model outlines the scope of services the centres will offer.
The Tuggerah Medicare Mental Health Centre is the first to be opened within the HNECC PHN footprint, with a further MMHC coming online shortly in Gosford.
IMAGE | New Mental Health Centre open in Tuggerah