In a heartwarming celebration, Maroba, a leading aged care facility in the Hunter region, recently commemorated 70 years of compassionate care and community service. The milestone was celebrated with two special high teas, bringing together 180 residents, staff, directors, and distinguished guests.
Among the attendees was Marlene Pilgrim, a 91-year-old resident who moved to Maroba in 2021. After losing her husband, Marlene lived independently in Maitland before choosing to move closer to her daughter in Newcastle. Reflecting on her time at Maroba, Marlene said, “I came in on respite, but I went out the front door, turned, and came back in. The staff are wonderful, and even on bad days, a simple hug makes all the difference.”
The 70th-anniversary event, aptly named “The Love Story,” was a testament to Maroba’s commitment to love and care. CEO Viv Allanson AOM emphasised that love has always been at the core of Maroba’s success. “When people ask about our secret, I point to the cushion in my office that reads L.O.V.E, as well as the smiles and hugs that fill our facility,” Viv said.
Maroba’s story began in 1954, when Viv Cook, a parishioner at Islington Baptist Church, was moved by the poor treatment of elderly women in the community. Inspired by the biblical principle “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Viv and other church members mortgaged their homes to support her dream. This dream materialised as Maroba Rest Home for Elderly Ladies, starting with a 10-bedroom maternity home in Mayfield. The name “Maroba” itself is a tribute to the community, combining elements of Maitland, Road, and Baptist.
Over the years, Maroba has grown and evolved, thanks to the dedication of its leaders and the unwavering support of the community. From the opening of the Cowan Wing in 1960 to the recent Manor Stage 2 in 2009, Maroba has continuously expanded its facilities to meet the needs of its residents.
Former Board Chair Arthur Gibbins and longtime church member Eric Nicoll, now residents themselves, expressed their gratitude for Viv’s leadership since she joined Maroba in 1994. Viv, in turn, praised her dedicated team and the community, including the Ladies Auxiliary, known for their fundraising efforts and famous coat hangers.
“We put residents at the center of everything we do,” Viv said. “We’re always striving to improve and create a vibrant, loving community. It’s gratifying when families tell us they can finally sleep at night knowing their loved ones are happy here.”
The celebrations also welcomed several special guests, including State Member for Wallsend Sonia Hornery MP, Newcastle City Councillor Margaret Wood, and Maroba’s new Chair, Graeme Evans. Sonia commended Maroba’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming one of the Hunter’s most recognized names in aged care.
The event also featured a touching moment when resident Maureen Davies and the great-granddaughter of Maroba’s founder, Hannah Cork, cut the anniversary cake. At the second celebration, John and Charlie Cork, children of the founder, continued the tradition.
As Maroba looks to the future, Viv remains optimistic about the changes ahead in the aged care sector. “Our longevity and success give us confidence to continue listening to our residents and their families as we shape Maroba’s future. We may be a small provider, but we dream big. Aged care can and should be a trusted, vibrant, and loving place where older people choose to live.”
From its inception in 1954 to its present-day success, Maroba’s love story continues to inspire, ensuring that love and care remain at the heart of everything it does.
IMAGE | Viv Allanson and Marlene Pilgrim