Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter is this week hosting the 2018 Build ME a Future Days in conjunction with the University of Newcastle’s Science and Engineering Challenge, and BAE Systems.
RDA Hunter’s STEM Workforce Manager, Rick Evans said the Build ME a Future Days engage students in hands-on, fun activities that build on the skills they are learning at school.
“The Days, which RDA Hunter’s ME Program has supported for five years now, offer students a valuable insight into how their skills can be applied in real-world situations and importantly, how they contribute to STEM based solutions to problems,” said Rick.
700 Year 7 and 8 students from 28 Hunter high schools will participate in the program of activities that focuses on building students’ awareness of the real-world application of the STEM skills they are learning at school, and the career opportunities that studying STEM can lead to. It also introduces students to the university campus, and the resources of its Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, while providing a look into the real jobs available for STEM skilled people at BAE Systems’ Hunter facility.
The program of design and build activities in which schools compete against one another for the title of Champion School will be undertaken in a round robin format in the Great Hall of the University of Newcastle every day from 21 to 25 May 2018.
Activities include MarsBuggy, Flight and MiniPult which see students building vehicles and a catapult to meet set criteria and with specific resources. It will also include the SMART Show and Campus Experiences in which university students and staff will escort participants across campus to see labs and lecture theatres, and to observe and participate in science and engineering activities, talks, demonstrations and a SMART Science show.
SEC Director, Dr Terry Burns said the Hunter has some of the best and brightest students in the nation and the event is designed to encourage them to consider STEM careers.
“Every year the Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) conducts inspirational STEM events right around Australia. We are really excited about working with RDA and BAE Systems to deliver the Build ME a Future Days in Newcastle, for Hunter students,” Terry said.
IMAGE | Students participating in the ME Program activities.