Living and breathing a vision for her accounting business and life has led Amanda Gascoigne on the path to help other accounting practice owners achieve similar outcomes.
Now, she is celebrating twenty years since the launch of her business.
Amanda Gascoigne says that backing herself and starting her accounting practice from her home in East Maitland was one of the best business and life decisions she ever made.
“I’m celebrating my twentieth year in business this month and I’ve certainly come a long way since my first tax season in 1999, “Amanda said.
Born and bred in Maitland, Amanda now calls Fingal Bay her home, but attests Maitland as the place where it all started.
On her path to success, Amanda recalls that having clear goals and vision for your business is key.
“That, more than anything else is what will set you up, guide you, and keep you on track to achieve a level of success that is sustainable, profitable and rewarding! It’s the thing that will get you out of bed every day and the thing that you will want to get out of bed every day for,” she said.
“It’s also important to align yourself with trusted advisors, coaches and mentors to help you achieve your full potential.”
Speaking of achieving one’s potential, Amanda has achieved many impressive accolades throughout her twenty-year career.
This includes becoming a Mai-Wel and Benhome board member, becoming the 2014 Business Woman of the Year and the Business Services Business of the Year at the Hunter Regional Enterprise Awards, plus much more.
Most recently Amanda was awarded the 2018 Fellow of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand.
Amanda was one of one-hundred and eighty-eight Chartered Accountants from seven countries to have been advanced to a Fellow, which recognises outstanding career achievement and community service in the accounting profession.
When asked about her passion and enthusiasm for her business, she said her secret is remaining positive.
“My passion has been kept alive by wonderful clients, staff and others I have surrounded myself with. I’ve always embraced contemporary business and accounting ways and have strived for a work/life balance,” Amanda said.
“The disruption that has taken place in the accounting industry and the advances in technology make for some exciting times ahead and they should be embraced and not resisted.”
Her mission after twenty years remains simple and effective; to keep on going and support others trying to do the same.
“Being a small or solo accounting practice can be daunting and many can feel isolated and lonely. It’s these people that I want to help stay in the accounting industry. I’m on a mission not only to keep them in the industry, but to help them thrive and to help them achieve their vision,” she said.
IMAGE | Amanda Gascoigne accepting her 2018 Fellow of Chartered Accountants award