The loss of client and friend, Steve Morris, inspired James Tocci from local business Puro Partners, to create an initiative to increase suicide awareness amongst men in business.
ABS statistics show that of the 3,027 suicides that take place on average each year, 75 per cent are men.
BRAVE Men has been developed as a collaboration between Puro Partners and Lifeline Hunter Central Coast (LLHCC) and Chief Executive Officer of LLHCC, Gillian Summers said the aim is to raise awareness of suicide by men.
“BRAVE Men is aimed at educating corporates and community members about male suicide so they are better prepared to become a valid link in connecting people at risk to appropriate help,” Gillian said.
“It is vital that as a community we overcome the stigma surrounding suicide. This initiative will also raise the awareness of the services that Lifeline offers to corporate members and the community.”
“BRAVE Men” launched in late March at a lunch at Scratchleys with 30 key corporate men present.
Puro Partners’ James Tocci and Sam Wallace, who operate a boutique executive search company, provided funds for the launch event.
“Steve’s wife, Kerrie, was very keen to develop a campaign to highlight the importance of men at risk being able to ask for help and communicate their feelings, so I’m proud to help deliver that,” James said.
As part of the BRAVE Men initiative, Puro Partners will also fund Mental Health Awareness Talks to businesses that have a highly male dominant workforce free of charge.
IMAGE | James Tocci of Puro Partners at the launch of BRAVE Men.